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Dubai - Paris - Amsterdam Tour 2019

 Dubai Group Tour - November 16-26, 2019
$3,500 pp Double Occupancy and we can match you with a like-minded person if you don’t have a 2nd person. 
Includes: Hotel, Flight, 8 tours,overnight stay in Paris 2-day hop on and off bus pass,overnight stay in Amsterdam, a yacht party in Dubai, a tour guide for all of the excursion/tours. (Michelle & Tilwanda) 1 group party/function
Payment plan is $450 down and $300.00 recurring for 8 months. If you do not wish to have recurring payments let us know and we will set up a plan that fits your timeline.
At the end of the payment plan you should have a balance due of $ 350.00 which is due 45 days prior to the trip date. 
If you start your payments and there are not 8 months left to pay, you will owe the balance of your trip 45 days prior to the trip date. 
Everyone is not going to start the same day or month, so each payment plan/option will be different. 
This price includes flight from the LAX,San Diego,Ohio, NYC, and several other international airports. If you live outside of a major International airport you( MAY) have an additional flight charge of $200.00 or less. 
Hotel: JW Marriott 
As we get closer I may be able to include daily breakfast, but that will depend on the number of people going and what the resort offers. 
We offer travel insurance to protect your investment.All payments are non-refundable. 


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